House Numbering in Old Havana from 1808 to the Present

A table is provided below, detailing house numbers on various streets within Old Havana (Intramuros). Old Havana refers to the section of the city located inside the historic city walls. The table presents house numbers for three distinct periods: 1808-1806, 1860-1940, and the period following 1940 up to the present day. Essentially, this page serves as a resource for identifying the assigned house numbers in Old Havana over a span exceeding 200 years. For additional information about the data source, please refer to the “About the Source” section located beneath the table.

For your convenience, we have linked here different maps of Havana from those time periods for you to refer to. 

Map of Havana 1841

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Map of Havana 1855

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Map of Havana 1900 (27.5 MB)

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Orden en el Libro Street No. between 1808 - 1860 No. between 1860 - 1940 No. since 1940
wdt_ID Orden en el Libro Street No. between 1808 - 1860 No. between 1860 - 1940 No. since 1940
1 1 Acosta 2 1 57
2 2 Acosta 3 3 59
3 3 Acosta 4 5 61
4 4 Acosta 5 7 65
5 5 Acosta 6 9 67
6 6 Acosta 7 11 105
7 7 Acosta 8 13 107
8 8 Acosta 9 15 111
9 9 Acosta 10 15 161
10 10 Acosta 11 17 165
11 11 Acosta 12 19 203
12 12 Acosta 13-14 21 205
13 13 Acosta 15 23 209
14 14 Acosta 16 25 211
15 15 Acosta 17 27 215
16 16 Acosta 18 29 217
17 17 Acosta 19 31 251
18 18 Acosta 20 33 253
19 19 Acosta 21 35 255
20 20 Acosta 22 37 257
21 21 Acosta 23 39 259
22 22 Acosta 24 41 261
23 23 Acosta 25 43 265
24 24 Acosta 26 45 267
25 25 Acosta 27 47 269
26 26 Acosta 28 49 271
27 27 Acosta 29 51
28 28 Acosta 30 53
29 29 Acosta 30 1/2 55
30 30 Acosta 31 57
31 31 Acosta 32 59
32 32 Acosta 33 61 307
33 33 Acosta 34 63 309
34 34 Acosta 35 65 311
35 35 Acosta 36 67 313
36 36 Acosta 37 69 315
37 37 Acosta 37 1/2 71 317
38 38 Acosta 38 73 319
39 39 Acosta 39 75 321
40 40 Acosta 40 77 323
41 41 Acosta 41 79 325
42 42 Acosta 42 81 327
43 43 Acosta 43 83 331
44 44 Acosta 44 85 333
45 45 Acosta 45 87
46 46 Acosta 46 87 359
47 47 Acosta 47 89 361
48 48 Acosta 48 91 363
49 49 Acosta 49 93 363
50 50 Acosta 50 95 365

About the Source

The numbering information above was published as part of the work carried out by the “Plan Maestro” of the “Oficina del Historiador de La Habana.” You can read more about this work (in Spanish) by clicking here. 

We would like to thank Cuba Research Project reader Luis Alberto Borges Ochoa for bringing this work to our attention. 

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Numeración de casas en La Habana Vieja desde 1808 hasta la actualidad

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