This is a list of Cubans who died in the city of Key West, Florida (United States) in the year 1885. The city of Key West is part of Monroe County. This list also includes any individual who has at least one parent whose place of birth is listed as Cuba.
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First Name | First Surname | Age | Sex | Color | Marital Status | Place of Birth | Father's Place of Birth | Mother's Place of Birth | Occupation | Cause of Death | Month of Death | How Long Resident of County | Page in FS | |
wdt_ID | First Name | First Surname | Age | Sex | Color | Marital Status | Place of Birth | Father's Place of Birth | Mother's Place of Birth | Occupation | Cause of Death | Month of Death | How Long Resident of County | Page in FS |
1 | Pnur (?) | Lucia Heuera (or Rivera) | 1 day | F | W | . | Key West | Cuba | Cuba | . | Tuberculosis | Feb | . | 2 |
2 | Elias | Ventura | 56 | M | W | M | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba | Cigar maker | Rheumatism of ? | Feb | 3 | 2 |
3 | Esteban | Chavez | 34 | M | W | M | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba | Cigar maker | Phthisis | Feb | 3 | 2 |
4 | Coreuli | Polliveau | 28 | F | W | M | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba | Boat skipper | Pulmanar Tuberculosis | Feb | 3 | 2 |
5 | Celotil (or Cleotilde) | de Herrosa | 20 | F | B | M | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba | Boat skipper | Phthisis Pulmonalis | Feb | 3 | 2 |
6 | Guillermo | Martinez | 9 days | M | W | . | Key West | Cuba | Cuba | . | ? agudd (Enteritis Aguda?) | Feb | . | 2 |
7 | Wm | Sanders | 2 days | M | B | . | Key West | Cuba | Cuba | . | Perfective Vitality | Feb | . | 2 |
8 | Maria | Better | 2 | F | B | . | Key West | Cuba | Cuba | . | Pertussis | Feb | . | 2 |
9 | Antonio | La Hernandez | 35 | M | W | M | Havana | Cuba | Cuba | Cigar maker | Consumption | Feb | 4 | 2 |
10 | Jose | Bunque | 30 | M | B | M | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba | Cigar maker | Phthisis Pulmonalis | Feb | 2 | 2 |
About the Source
The data shown here is from the 1885 Florida State Census. Specifically, this mortality schedule included all individuals who died in the year 1885 in Monroe County, Florida (all in the city of Key West, it seems).
As mentioned above, we have only copied individuals whose birthplace is listed as Cuba. Or when the birthplace of at least one parent is listed as Cuba.
Waves of Cuban exiles and emigres moved to Key West after the 10-year war (1868-1878). Soon after, the city became a hub for revolutionary activity in the Island’s fight for independence from Spain.
- The 1885 Census shows that of the 13,945 people living in Key West, 4517 (32%) listed their birthplace as Cuba.
- Out of the 327 individuals in the mortality schedule for 1885, 124 (38%) are Cubans or have at least one Cuban parent.
The handwriting in this census was, at times, hard to decipher, therefore you will see a lot of alternative spellings or (?) signifying the transcribers’ uncertainty. For the same reason, you may see very odd names or last names. If you can decipher a better spelling, or if you find a mistake, please use the “contact us” page to let us know.
We would like to thank GeneologyTrails.Com for providing a complete transcription of the entire 1885 Monroe County Mortality Schedule. We have ONLY extracted the names shown in the database above. We have changed some of the spelling of names and last names where we thought a different spelling was a more correct approximation.
Please note that the Page In FS column represents the page number of the scan of the census papers on FamilySearch where the name was copied from. You can access the FamilySearch scans by clicking here.