List of individuals buried in the La Salud Cemetery, Mayabeque Province

A list of individuals buried in the La Salud Cemetery, in the town of La Salud, in the province of Mayabeque. The town of La Salud formerly belonged to La Habana province before the Cuban National Assembly voted to create the new provinces of Mayabeque and Artemisa in 2010. 

About the Source

The compilation of this list was commissioned by Aileen Vega, who has graciously allowed us to publish the same on Cuba Research Project. 

Aileen Vega is also the host of the cuban-themed genealogy podcast CUBAN FAMILY ROOTS: “The Cuban Family Roots Podcast feature stories and interviews of everyday Cubans and their journey to finding ancestral roots. Since its discovery in 1492, Cuba became a migration hub for Europeans, Asians, and people all over the world. Do you know your family roots? This podcast will provide historical facts, interviews and genealogical tips to help you get started in your genealogical journey. We hope every episode will provides a roadmap in finding your Cuban family roots.” See also : Facebook  | Instagram |  Podcast

For more information regarding the town of La Salud, please refer to the book: “Municipio La Salud: Historia, cultura y tradiciones de un municipio habanero” by author Ignacio Cabrera Mas

Click on the book cover to be taken to the Amazon store.

Note: Some of the headstones were illegible, therefore some information has not been transcribed.


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Esta base de datos no aporta absolutamente nada, en ella no se recoge ni el 1% de las inhumaciones desde su fundación en 1881

Maritza Diaz Alvarez -Ledesma

Necesito saber si Primitiva Dorta y Antonio Diaz fueron enterrados en este cementerio.


Maritza la persona que intentó hacer esta lista no recogió en ella ni el 1% de las inhumaciones hechas desde 1881


Necesito encontrar datos de Luis García dela torre murió el 22 de julio de 1963 pero aparece como de niquero


Necesito encontrar datos de Luis García de la torre murió en ella cilo de ancianos La salud 22 de julio 1963 era español pero aparece q.estaba inscrito por niquero Granma