1945-1946 List of Students, Faculty, and Staff from “Instituto De Segunda Enseñanza de Cienfuegos” School

The Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de Cienfuegos was officially established in the city of Cienfuegos on January 22, 1937, back when the city belonged to the then Province of Santa Clara (today Cienfuegos city is the provincial capital of the province by the same name). The students in this list have just graduated from the “Bachiller”. The list of students, faculty, and staff is sourced from a yearbook highlighting the graduates of the 1945-1946 school year.

Picture Title First Names First Surname Second Surname Remarks
wdt_ID Picture Title First Names First Surname Second Surname Remarks
1 koratalledaperez-150x150.png Titular de la Catedra "F", Directora del Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de Cienfuegos Kora Talleda Perez
2 robertogonzalez-150x150.png Titular de la Catedra "C", Secretario del Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de Cienfuegos Roberto Gonzalez
3 franciscoortizmunoz-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras y Ciencias Francisco Ortiz Muñoz Alumno Eminente
4 gudeliabarruetafrank-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras y Ciencias Gudelia Barrueta Frank
5 ramonmolinelopez-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras y Ciencias Ramon Moliné Lopez
6 carlosmendezsotolongo-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras y Ciencias Carlos Menendez Sotolongo
7 purisimopenablanco-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras Purisimo Pena Blanco
8 mirtamerinomarquez-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras Mirta Merino Marquez
9 felipeortizgomez-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras Felipe Ortiz Gomez
10 idelfonsabequerbequer-150x150.png Graduad@ en Letras Idelfonsa Bequer Bequer

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1945-1946 Relación de Alumnos, Docentes y Personal de la Escuela “Instituto De Segunda Enseñanza de Cienfuegos”

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Nilda colina peña

Hola soy nieta de Jose Peña tejeiro nacio en 1900 era gallego Mario en cuba cienfuegos en 1963