Why Contact the Catholic Church?
The most popular religion in Cuba is, and has been Catholicism. Consequently, the archives of the Catholic Church in Cuba are of great genealogical value. Church records often contain vital information such as births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths. These records can provide specific dates, names of individuals, relationships, and sometimes even additional details like occupations and residences. They serve as valuable primary sources for establishing and verifying important events in an individual’s life.
We recommend you take the following steps:
- Find out where in Cuba your ancestor(s) lived (city, town, province, etc).
- Use the directory below to find the contact information of the parish ecclesiastic authority corresponding to that location.
- Try to establish communication with the church authorities to see how they can assist you in obtaining records relating to your ancestors.
Directory & Information:
The information below has been copied from the “Conferencia de Obispos Católicos en Cuba” website. We provide this directory here because their website is often having technical problems and therefore inaccessible. PLEASE HELP US KEEP THIS DIRECTORY AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE, IF YOU SEE A MISTAKE USE THE “CONTACT US” PAGE TO LET US KNOW.
Diocese: A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area.
Directorio Parroquial de la Iglesia Católica de Cuba
Necesito ayuda mi bisabuelo Manuel de Jesús Ávila Yero entro por las provincias Manzanillo puerto principe años 1870 al 1880 su primer hijo 1905 español quisiera poder saber cuando llego debe ser inscrito para la residencia cubana en esta zona según el bautismo de su hija
Solicito la entrada al país se mis bisabuelos Antonio Celestino Godoy Sosa y Antonia María Sosa Saavedra en el municipio de CUMANAYAGUA,actual provincia de Cienfuegos
Como puedo ver de villa clara no me sale
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Guantanamo Baracoa. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Bueno días como puedo obtener información de mi abuelo en los registros parroquiales de barbacoa o imias??
Hola yo busco igual fe de bautizo en baracoa si sabe algo podría compartirme
Hola necesito encontrar una fe de bautismo de mi sr abuela Isabel tormo Lores
Isabel tormo lores nacida en baracoa hija de José tormo y Josefa lores nacida entre 1890-1904
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Archdiocese of: Santiago de Cuba. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Necesito fe de bautismo de mi abuelo Romualdo García Almanza, nacido el 12 de febrero de 1903 en Ti arriba, Songo La Maya
Hola necesito fe de bautismo de mi abuelo Gaspar Chaveco Moraga nacido el 2 de marzo de 1929 en mayarí arriba.oriente
Busco información sobre mi bisabuelo Esteban Drago Canduch, no poseo más información, gracias
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Bayamo-Manzanillo. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Comom puedo obtener una partida de bautismo de la iglesia católica de Buey Arriba en bayamo
Como puedo buscar fe de bautismo de mi familia que vivieron en Bayamo y mis abuelos tuvieron hijos allí ejemplo Matías Félix Guerrero Lopez eran mi abuelo y mi abuela Dolores Hernández Chica para saber el lugar de origen de mis abuelos. Muchas gracias
Busco información sobre mi bisabuelo Juan Jiménez Carrasco, quien se radicó en la zona de San Ramón, en los años 1910, se casó con Maria Quesada y de ese matrimonio nacieron varios hijos, entre ellos mi abuelo nacido en 1912. Busco el matrimonio de ambos y si existe alguna información de su defunción, también la agradezco infinitamente.
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Holguin. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Por favor necesito información de cualquier documento o propiedad de mi papá José Bermúdez Hernández en zona de nipe, guaro, mayari…bendiciones
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Archdiocese of: Camagüey. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Hola, necesito contactar para localizar fe de bautismo de mi abuela nacida en 1935. Gracias
Feliz viernes necesito información sobre la fe de bautizo de Margarita Madera Sanchez nació el 25 de octubre de 1904 en camaguey nuevitas y la Inscribieron en Sagua la Grande Villa Clara bendiciones
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Ciego de Avila. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Hola muy buenas noches el abuelo de mi padre vino de España en los años 1890 y se acento en el poblado de guayacanes Ciego de Ávila el se llamaba José Marrero González y necesito información a cerca de donde era el originalmente en España de ser posible respóndanme
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Santa Clara. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Como lograr datos de mis abuelos Emiliano Bermúdez y María Hernández, se asentaron en Santa Clara Cuba e inscribieron a José Bermúdez Hernández en marzo de 1894, no tengo datos de nada más, por favor si pudieran ayudar enviar a mi correo, cualquier dato…bendiciones
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Cienfuegos. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Pinar del Río. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Diocese of: Pinar del Río. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
[…] This is a directory which contains information for the Archdiocese of: La Habana. A Catholic diocese is a geographical administrative division within the Catholic Church. It is led by a bishop who has spiritual and administrative authority over the diocese. The diocese is considered the basic unit of organization in the Catholic Church and is responsible for overseeing the spiritual needs of the faithful in a specific area. To view all other dioceses CLICK HERE. […]
Busco a mi abuelo José Santana Martin Nació 29 6 de 1908llego a cuba 1912 procedente de las palmas canarias españa murió en el municipio aguada de pasajero cienfuegos 2000
Hola, Juan Alberto.
Hace tiempo escribí también para temas de familiares y nunca respondieron.