Cuban Phonebooks: 1949, 1958 & 1959

Cuban Phonebook & Directories

Introducing a valuable resource for historical information: a collection of three Cuban Phone Directories from the years 1949, 1958, and 1959. These directories encompass both business and personal listings, offering a fascinating glimpse into the past. With their searchable feature, you can easily explore and retrieve contact details from a bygone era. Whether you’re conducting research or simply curious about Cuba’s telecommunications landscape during these pivotal years, these directories provide a unique window into history. Delve into the past and discover a wealth of information within these searchable Cuba Phone Directories.

This collection includes:

  1. Phonebook for Cuba, 1949 (Directorio Telefonico de Cuba 1949)
  2. Phonebook for Habana, 1958 (Directorio Telefonico de La Habana 1958)
  3. Phonebook for the Provinces, 1959 (Directorio Telefonico de las Provincias 1959)

Cuba Phonebook Year 1949 (71.2 MB)

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Cuba Phonebook 1958 (410.4 MB)

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Cuba Phonebook 1959 (774 MB)

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Guías telefónicas cubanas: 1949, 1958 y 1959

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Vilma Fidelina López Cruz

Necesito saber día y mes de nacimiento de mí abuelo es Español nació 1889 en Requejo España